Helping business owners protect their competitive advantage
Our Services

Creation & Protection of Intellectual Property

Intellectual property such as trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other confidential information can be protected by both statute, private agreement and practical steps taken by clients to keep information secret.  MacDonald Illig's lawyers are experienced in filing trademark and copyright registrations and following the steps necessary to maintain those registrations.  We successfully and efficiently file registrations with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and Copyright Office.  We also successfully address the concerns raised by trademark and copyright examiners so that objections raised by the examiners and others are resolved.

Related Services

MacDonald Illig's lawyers also advise clients on how to preserve the secrecy of their information so that information is protected as a trade secret or confidential information.  MacDonald Illig's clients look to our law firm for advice on encrypting data, limiting disclosure of information within the organization and writing agreements which preserve confidentiality of information.