Crafting estate plans to preserve your assets and your legacy
Our Services

Powers of Attorney

Executing a power of attorney is a central aspect of any well-crafted estate plan. A power of attorney authorizes another to act on your behalf in private or business affairs or in another legal capacity in the event that you become incapacitated and are unable to make short- or long-term decisions for yourself.  This authorization allows an "agent" to serve on your behalf while you are incapacitated.

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No matter what your circumstances may be, executing a power of attorney is essential in ensuring that your legal and financial affairs can be carried out by your agent when you are unable to do so. Our attorneys have extensive experience working with clients in drafting powers of attorney. We stay current on all legislative, regulatory, and other law changes that could affect the validity of a power of attorney.  We are prepared to answer any questions you may have regarding powers of attorney.

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